RejuvenateMe Specialty Massage

Specifically designed to provide therapeutic relieve for our clients with busy schedules that gives them an opportunity to enjoy the great benefits of 60 min targeted treatments. The minimum time commitment allows our clients to get in and out with the shorter sessions that can help them significantly improve and maintain their overall health and wellness. For each therapy session our licensed therapists use proprietary RejuvenateMe Ozonated CBD Massage Oil or Lotion. Patient can choose up to 2 options from the list below.

RejuvenateMe After Covid Session
This After Covid therapy session includes percussive or tapotement techniques that is helpful in breaking up and moving mucus into the bronchial tubes. Other benefits include reduction of stress and relaxation of chronically short or tight muscles that are involved in breathing. Having work done to diaphragm, intercostals and neck can greatly improve breathing.

RejuvenateMe Face and Scalp Session
This Face and Scalp therapy session is profoundly relaxing and healing. Your scalp is covered in nerve endings. The muscles of the face and jaws are at work night and day. Focused massage on the scalp, sinuses, face and jaws can impact your entire nervous system leaving you re-energized from head to toe

RejuvenateMe Neck & Shoulders Session
This Neck & Shoulders therapy session is focused on the muscles around the neck and shoulder area. Some muscles worked on during this session include the sternocleidomastoid, scalenes and upper trapezius. It relieves tension, reduce headaches and increases relaxation

RejuvenateMe Lower Back / Gluteal Muscles Session
This therapy session is focused on gluteal muscles that can be tied to low-back pain, shoulder issues, even foot and ankle pain. Consider your glutes as the force that connects your upper and lower body. As such, it impacts everything above and below it.

Duration: 60 min